Important Update: LadySonya Music Studio’s Covid-19 Action Plan
LadySonya Music Studio continues to help students learn and grow with piano/voice lessons online and welcomes new students

Changes to Your Lessons and Classes
LadySonya Music Studio grows stronger and thrives during these difficult times by offering all sessions and courses online
What this means for you:
- Yes, we are enrolling and accepting new students online.
- Yes, you still will continue to learn and grow with your private sessions and classes.
- We will continue offering all private music sessions online via Zoom.
- Group Classes will be held online via Zoom
- Piano/Vocal lessons will continue at regular times online
Online Session and Class Logistics

- You will get an email with directions on how to access your session or class. Hint: It’s SUPER easy.
- You will receive an email to how to access session notes and how to get the most from your online sessions
- You will keep your regularly scheduled lesson time
- 5 minutes the session will remain available to help you with technical needs
- If you need advice on equipment to purchase for ideal set up, please contact us
New Group Classes/Courses
Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve honestly tested video sessions for the past 3 weeks and it’s been a huge success. This change isn’t ideal for students under the age 9, but so is this COVID epidemic. We’ve revised our curriculum for children under 9 to make the most out of their musical learning experience. We are taking steps to ensure that your child can remain safe and healthy. We also would like to continue enriching their musical skills despite the changes in the world around us.
Online lessons can come with some challenges, but we’re working through kinks weekly to manage those, specifically for the younger ones. Online sessions are really the same for kids aged 10 and up and adults. The options are to learn with a little more difficulty, or to stop learning. For us, that choice seems easy.
The ideal setup is simple. You need a smartphone and tripod. That’s it. If you have an additional laptop, iPad/Tablet, or phone that’s even better. Contact us if you need help figuring out the perfect setup.
Yes, you always have your option. According to the CDC, this may take many months to resolve. Travel restrictions are going to get worse. Public spaces will be shut down. And many people will be required to work or school from home. We recommend continuing your lessons, so that you don’t put your entire life on hold for many months or more.
We will also offer many other additional services during this time to keep you engaged. Studio classes, online recitals, community groups, online courses and more.
It’s probably going to be a rough time, but we are here with you so that we can get through this together.